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What the FBI wants you to know about network security

If you grew up watching US movies and TV, you’ll be familiar with America’s domestic security agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

It recently issued a free report well worth reading, Modern Approaches to Network Access Security.

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15 Ways AI Will Boost Cybersecurity

AI will have a profound impact on cybersecurity – for good and ill.

If you are responsible for keeping your organisation’s data safe, it is worth spending time understanding how AI will change cybersecurity.

AI Will Help Programmers Deliver Safer Code

AI pair programmers such as GitHub Copilot supercharge developer productivity by completing code written by humans.

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VMware: Dealing with Broadcom's Massive Changes

Running VMware software? Big changes are afoot, following Broadcom's takeover.

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Breaking Up with On-Premises Servers: It’s Not You, It’s Them

In long-term relationships, there may come a point where things are no longer working for both parties. The current situation is adequate but slowly getting worse.

Most organisations have had a multi-decade relationship with on-premises servers. But now that cloud services have improved, it’s no longer a given that this relationship will last.

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Traditional IT Security is Dead

The traditional approach to IT security is no longer adequate.

Passwords, permission groups, firewalls, traditional VPNs and anti-virus software remain in use but aren’t enough to achieve good security.

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Can Anyone Catch AWS Now?

Amazon, Azure and Google capture 65% of cloud infrastructure spending, with Amazon receiving almost one pound in two spent with the big three cloud providers.

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Why Your Backups May Not Save You From Ransomware

You've got backups, so you may assume ransomware is no big deal.

If you do get hit you could just ignore the ransom, restore your data from backups and get back to whatever you were doing. But it's not that simple.

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Why Your Cybersecurity is Worse Than You Think

Your organisation's cybersecurity is worse than you think.

Your Patching is Too Slow

If a system has vulnerabilities, ethical hackers say they can typically exfiltrate data inside 5 hours.

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Microsoft's Bold Move to Ensure Email Security: Blocking Outdated Servers

If you use Exchange Online you're about to start missing out on some emails.

And if you have your own Exchange Server, your emails could get blocked if you don't keep your server patched.

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18 Ways to Cut Public Cloud Costs WITHOUT Ruining Performance

Organisations that switch to the big public clouds often find themselves paying more than expected.

If you're in this situation, here are some ways to cut your public cloud bill without materially harming performance:

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How AI will Transform IT

AI is going to transform IT over the next few years. Here's what to expect:

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IT’s Latest Contribution? Boosting Employee Recruitment and Retention

IT is often viewed as a cost centre, but recent research shows IT teams are saving organisations significant sums.

How? By delivering remote working solutions that help organisations retain/recruit knowledge workers.

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Exchange Server 2013: End of Support Looms

On April 11th 2023, Microsoft support for Exchange Server 2013 ends.

Microsoft will no longer provide security fixes for vulnerabilities discovered after that date, leaving Exchange Server 2013 instances vulnerable to security breaches.

In addition, Microsoft won't fix other Exchange 2013 bugs or provide related technical support.

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Preventing Ransomware Attacks: 30 Ways to Protect Your Organisation

Your organisation is under-prepared for a ransomware attack. Almost all organisations are.

Luckily, it's likely you'll have time to fix many security problems before they are exploited.

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23 Major Trends Impacting IT in 2023

Over 30,000 technology news stories will be published in 2023. Luckily, you don't need to read them all to keep up, as many stories form part of a wider trend. 

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No More Passwords: Tech Giants Back Passwordless Future

2023 will be a bad year for passwords.

By the end of 2023, Google, Apple and Microsoft will all have implemented passkeys, a password-less user authentication scheme. Most password manager apps will support passkeys by year-end.

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Could Your Servers Suffer Power Cuts This Winter?

John Pettigrew, CEO of the UK energy distributor National Grid has warned that Britain could face blackouts this winter.

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The Plan to Kill Off Landlines, ADSL and ISDN

There's an ambitious plan to get rid of Britain's traditional phone network. Almost all landlines and ISDN lines are due to stop working at the end of January 2027.

"That's years away. I'll worry about it later," you may be tempted to think. 

Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Changes are happening long before 2027 and will affect a vast array of telecoms services: 

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5 Ways the Energy Crisis will Impact IT

The current energy crisis won't just hit domestic fuel bills. It will impact IT too. Here's how 

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