hSo announces Cyber Essentials Plus Certificate of Compliance Achieved

May 18


hSo announces Cyber Essentials Plus Certificate of Compliance Achieved

hSo, a London-based managed service provider, announces its Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation.
This achievement builds on hSo’s dedication to secure governance policies and effective company-wide IT security. The company's proactive approach to cybersecurity ensures its customers are protected from dangers posed by cyber-threats.

Cyber Essentials is a key part of the UK’s National Cyber Security Programme and is an essential certification for any public sector ICT supplier. Compliance with the scheme helps organisations guard against the most common cyber threats and ensure sensitive data is secure and handled correctly.

The Cyber Essentials Plus certification is an increased level of accreditation and is awarded using an independent assessment of 5 key business security controls and processes:

  1. Secure configuration
  2. Boundary firewalls and Internet gateways
  3. Access control and administrative privilege management
  4. Patch management
  5. Malware protection

Dan Goscomb, CTO:
" The Cyber Essentials Plus certification marks another important milestone for hSo's security goals and reflects our determination to provide the very best security expertise and managed services for our clients. "

hSo adds this achievement to its triple ISO certification for Quality (ISO 9001), Information Security (ISO 27001) and IT Service Management (ISO 20000). This, alongside Cyber Essentials Plus, means hSo is a protected and dependable managed service provider. The company is additionally a provider on the government’s G-Cloud framework and holds accreditations for two lots on the Network Services Framework (RM3808) for public sector ICT services.

Update: Below is the Cyber Essentials Plus certificate for 2024/25 (replacing earlier certificates for earlier periods)

hSo Cyber Essentials Plus Certificate

It was issued at the time Syntura Group Limited was named HighSpeed Office Limited.

Update: Below is the Cyber Essentials certificate for 2025/26 (replacing earlier certificates for earlier periods)

Syntura Cyber Essentials Certificate

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