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Quantum Computing Will Make Your Current Encryption Worthless

Public key encryption that protects your web browsing, VPN traffic, hard disk data and data backups will become crackable as quantum computers improve.

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Time To Ditch Exchange Server for Exchange Online?

"The exploitation of Exchange server vulnerabilities has been a favorite of cybercriminals looking to get into targeted infrastructure since Q1 2021...The past year’s vulnerabilities have made [Exchange servers] perfect targets...

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The NHS is Going Digital (and We're Helping)

The NHS is going digital. At the time of writing, 86% of NHS trusts have electronic health records. That will rise to 90% by December 2023 and 100% by March 2025, if things go to plan.

Although the public tends to see the NHS as one giant organisation, it's really an ecosystem of many different organisations working together. 

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Cloud is Now The Default Choice for New Infrastructure Says IDC

If your next server or storage device is hosted at your office, you'll be in the minority, according to the market research firm IDC.

In Q4 2021, more money was spent on cloud infrastructure ($21.1bn) than on non-cloud infrastructure ($17.2bn).

The figures come from IDC's report "Worldwide Quarterly Enterprise Infrastructure Tracker: Buyer and Cloud Deployment."

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Are Millennials Sick of Working From Home Yet?

One of the major consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic has been a seismic shift towards working from home.

Working from home not only enabled businesses to continue operating throughout the pandemic, it also proved popular.

Workers were able to spend less time and money commuting, and more time with their families.

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Zero Trust, ZTA, ZTNA - The Key Features and Differences

In a world with widespread remote working, business partners at separate firms requiring access to each other’s networks, the Internet of Things connecting more devices everyday and, most pressingly, increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks, protecting a network correctly has arguably never been more vital.

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ISDN switch off – What is it and what does it mean for businesses?

By December 2025, BT (Openreach) aims to completely retire the UK’s decades-old copper telephony lines. The copper infrastructure is the basis for the UK’s Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) and Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), meaning that both of these traditional solutions will cease to be available in a few years.

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The environmental impact of cloud migration

It is well known that moving from an on-premises infrastructure to a cloud-based architecture can deliver instant benefits to businesses in terms of agility, scalability and cost-efficiency. When considering a cloud migration, the environmental implications might not be one of the foremost matters in a company’s decision.

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The what, why and how of legacy application modernisation

What is legacy application modernisation?

Legacy app modernisation is when an application made with now outdated technology is updated in order to make it work effectively in a modern environment alongside other modern apps.

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How to plan and execute the perfect cloud migration for your business

Cloud migration is one of the biggest trends in business today, with organizations of all sizes and types migrating their operations to the cloud at an unprecedented and rapidly accelerating rate.

With benefits such as cost savings, added value, increased security, flexibility and scalability, it’s no wonder that businesses are migrating in such great numbers.

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Financial services: A sector undergoing a hybrid cloud revolution

In the fast-moving world of financial services, technological changes are usually afoot and 2021 is proving to be no different. One of the latest trends driving change within the sector is the increasing number of firms moving to a hybrid cloud infrastructure, a cloud solution that mixes elements of both public and private cloud.

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Why cloud is the perfect match for the construction industry

The use of cloud computing in the workplace might, for most people, conjure up images of bustling, high-tech inner-city offices or colleagues in disparate locations collaborating seamlessly on the same project.

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5 Cybersecurity Predictions for 2021

As a year of unprecedented upheaval draws to a close, everyone is entitled to feel a little optimism that vaccines might make the world a safer, more normal place again in 2021. 

However, in the world of cybersecurity, merely hoping for safety is of course not enough and businesses around the world will now have to turn their attentions to combatting 2021’s cyber threats.

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The six R’s of migrating applications to the cloud

The six R’s of migrating applications to the cloud

In this piece, we’ll examine six different strategies to help you migrate your applications to the cloud. These six strategies, the “six r’s”, are the most common strategies undertaken by companies migrating their applications to a cloud infrastructure.

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Private cloud: The different options, the benefits and the drawbacks

If you’re considering a cloud-based infrastructure for your business, you might have heard about private cloud and be wondering whether it’s the solution for you. Before you make that decision, it is, of course, important to know what “private cloud” means.

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6 reasons why you need an Office 365 backup and what to look for from a provider

If your business runs Office 365 (O365), then you’ll know that it’s the centre of your company’s email communications, collaboration and, ultimately, productivity. Similarly, if you’re considering using O365 for your company, you’ll probably know that it will become the hub of your business.

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Cybersecurity & COVID-19 – Five Tips

COVID-19 has forced a new reality on businesses the world over, forcing millions into working remotely and making companies face up to new cybersecurity challenges. According to Deloitte’s Cyber Intelligence Centre, the pandemic has seen an increase in phishing and ransomware attacks and malspams, as attackers target employees working from home, often on personal devices.

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Post-Migration: Protecting Against Performance Deterioration and Increasing Costs

You’ve completed your cloud migration and everything is running smoothly. However, this isn’t the time to crack open the Champagne and put your feet up. Now is when the hard work really starts! 

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