Facebook reveals drone internet test plan

Facebook has announced it will be carrying out tests on its latest plan to bring internet connections to billions of people who currently cannot get online.

A version of Facebook's solar-powered drone is set to be tested by the firm this summer after a smaller trial earlier in the year was deemed to be a success.

Facebook's vice-president of engineering Jay Parikh explained that how fast the project can move forward will depend on how the summer test goes.

The Aquila drones are around the size of a Boeing 737 plane and Facebook says they could help to bring internet supply to many third world countries for the first time.

Speaking to the Wall Street Journal, Mr Parikh said: "We are working towards a real test flight this summer sometime. Depending on how this test flight goes, we'll see what happens. This is a big plane, this is a big project and it's never been done before."

Facebook is not the only major US technology company to be focused on improving the global internet supply, with Google believed to be working on a model involving high-flying balloons.

The drones being tested by Facebook in the coming months have solar and battery technology that has been developed in the last 12 months. The Facebook executive revealed that the tech being used on the project beforehand "wasn't good enough for what we're trying to do with this plane".

Mr Parikh also revealed that Facebook will be looking to partner with mobile internet carriers for the scheme rather than becoming a provider itself.

He said: "Right now it really goes against our core mission. I think it would take a lot longer if we were going to do it all by ourselves. It would take a lot of money and I don’t think it’s sustainable long-term."

Businesses looking to move services into the cloud should evaluate the performance of their existing network and consider setting up a leased line or MPLS network.

(Image: Maxi Gago)

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