Big Data in Manufacturing event to debut in September

Big Data in Manufacturing event to debut in September
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Forum for Supply Chain Innovation’s event, 'Big Data in Manufacturing', is to debut next month, and will focus on how big data is changing the way that the corporate world makes decisions and runs organisations.
The event – which will be held at the MIT Media Lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on 17 September – will see MIT professor Erik Brynjolfsson, director of the MIT Center for Digital Business, delivering the keynote address. The speech, which is entitled ‘Big Data: A Management Revolution’, will consider the shift in the decision making process across industries including manufacturing as a result of decision science and big data.
Brynjolfsson, the Schussel Family Professor of Management Science, said: “There is a fundamental change underway in the way that manufacturers make decisions. Instead of relying on a leader’s gut instincts, an increasing number of companies are embracing a new method that involves data-based analytics.”
The one-day executive conference – which is being hosted in conjunction with Accenture and MIT Alliance in Business Analytics – will also focus upon the future of leadership across the corporate world, as well as looking at how big data has helped to shape the innovation that is currently taking place across many businesses and their technology arms.
Senior managing director at Accenture Analytics and co-chair of the Accenture and MIT Alliance, Narendra Mulani, said that the topics ready for discussion at the event were crucial to the future of business. “How to turn big data into big outcomes is a key question for every business today and we’re looking forward to discussing it with some of the most senior experts in the field of analytics and decision science,” Mulani said.
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