Rising demand for technology as remote working soars

Rising demand for technology as remote working soars
A dramatic rise in the demand for workplace equipment such as computers and telephones has been put down to the increase in remote working.
Workplace equipment supplier, Slingsby, revealed that the rising number of firms looking to allow their staff to work from home has led to soaring demand for remote communication equipment.
Marketing director, Lee Wright, told Workplace Law that it was “difficult to ignore the benefits that remote working can offer.”
“This is especially true for any organisations that employ office or desk-based workers, who mainly use telephones and computers to do their work,” Mr Wright went on to say.
The firm attributed the marked rise in home working to businesses wanting to lower overhead costs such as office rental and electricity costs. He also said that businesses which were looking to expand were finding the idea of having workers off-site particularly appealing, as this meant that they did not need to take on larger commercial premises. Eco-minded employers also reported enjoying the savings on unnecessary business mileage that remote working brings, which helps them to reduce their carbon footprints.
Remote working is also popular with many employees, thanks to the flexibility and cost effectiveness it offers, as well as the time saved on commuting.
Technological developments have also played a huge part in the rise of home working. “While the cost of facilitating remote working may have been prohibitive in the past, evolving technology now makes it much more affordable and improving communication facilities, such as web conferencing, mean today you can hold meetings from almost any location in the world,” Mr Wright concluded.
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