Superfast Cornwall research to look at the potential of FTTC

Superfast Cornwall research to look at the potential of FTTC
Superfast Cornwall Labs is a project set up to look at ways that the region can benefit from the new superfast broadband being installed by BT.
BT’s FTTC service should provide people in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, with broadband speeds of around 80Mbps. There are already some 100,000 fibre optic lines wired up in the county and the entire region should have the superfast connection installed by the end of 2014.
The Superfast Cornwall Labs is to research elements of the projects including the provision of remote e-services and public services, such as NHS Direct and distance learning opportunities, for example.
The region is to take part in a range of pilot schemes to find out just how useful superfast broadband can be to local businesses, This will include testing an EU-funded advanced video conferencing system called Vconect.
Ranulf Scarborough, the programme director for the project, said, “We want to look at all opportunities to harness the full power of superfast broadband so that Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly can benefit fully in the years to come."
He added that the introduction of the fast broadband should help the economy of the region by allowing more new businesses and jobs to be created and providing greater efficiencies to existing businesses.
Superfast Cornwall’s development director, Nigel Ashcroft was similarly excited by the potential of the project. He said, “We also want to be a leader in innovation and for our businesses, households and communities to be able to make the most of this exciting technology.”
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