Lease Line Cost Guide – Key Factors That Determine The Price You’ll Pay
How much does a lease line cost? That depends on three key factors: the addresses that are being connected, the amount of bandwidth required and the length of the contract you're willing to sign.
Location plays a huge role in determining your lease line cost, as the more hassle it is to connect you up to pre-existing telecoms networks, the more costly your leased line will be. If you've already got fibre-optic cable going into your building, you may be in luck. Conversely, if you see sheep more often than you see Starbucks, you'll have to pay through the nose to get a lease line.
The amount of bandwidth you need determines whether you'll need to use a fibre-connection, or whether you may be able to get away with uncontended DSL circuits that are available at about 20% of telephone exchanges, and that are sometimes cheaper.
Your lease line cost is greatly affected by the length of your contract because leased line circuits usually cost thousands of pounds to install. Some leased line providers will absorb much of this cost, then recoup that initial subsidy over the life of the contract. Typically people sign contracts of 3 to 5 years. If you sign a 1 year contract, expect to pay a great deal more to install your leased line.