Hong Kong leads fast broadband race, with UK trailing in 21st place

Hong Kong leads fast broadband race, with UK training in 21st place
The latest State of the Internet report has shown that Hong Kong is now leading the way in terms of broadband speeds, with the UK trailing in at number 21.
Hong Kong has taken over the top spot from previous leader, South Korea, which this year managed average peak speeds of 47.9Mbps. This compared with the winning speed of 49.2Mbps measured in the Chinese administrative area. Japan was measured as the third fastest region for internet connectivity, based on both mobile and fixed-line connections, with speeds averaging 39.5Mbps.
The speeds regularly reached in these Asian countries show the UK’s slow average peak of just 5.6Mbps to be extremely disappointing, particularly considering the fact that the US peak was measured at 27.8Mbps, putting it in 8th place.
Hong Kong’s move to the top place was driven by the success of its new fibre optic infrastructure. The new infrastucture meant its broadband speeds increased by 7 per cent in the last quarter alone and by 25 per cent over the past year.
Australia has seen the greatest drop in their broadband performance, according to the report. It has seen its average peak speeds fall by 35 per cent in the past quarter alone, dropping to just 3.5Mbps. The report claims that having a “single large network provider in the country” could be part of the problem for Australia.
The report concluded that, generally, broadband speeds were improving around the globe.
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