Ofcom spectrum auction details released

Ofcom spectrum auction details released
Ofcom has announced details of its spectrum auction, which will enable the roll-out of 4G services across UK mobile networks.
The majority of the spectrum is expected to go to Vodafone, Everything Everywhere and O2, although a fourth operator will also be sold some spectrum to ensure competition is increased.
The process of the auction will start before the end of the year and the spectrum at 800MHz and 2.6GHz, which was freed up by the digital TV switchover, will be offered up.
None of the providers that win licenses under the auction scheme are under any service obligations and there are some concerns that much of the spectrum will not be appropriate for use indoors. Matthew Howett of analysis firm Ovum, said that this could cause some dissatisfaction when users only have one provider and no other options for a period.
The auction process is not a straightforward one. The consultation period for Ofcom’s draft plans for the project will continue until 11 September. Providing the draft plan gets government approval, the application process will begin before the end of 2012, with bidding not accepted until next year. Ofcom claims that the 4G services will then be available to users by the time 2013 is over.
The fact that Everything Everywhere currently control 80 per cent of frequency band has given rival Vodafone and O2 cause for concern. They claim that if Everything Everywhere is allowed, by Ofcom, to go ahead with its plans to begin rolling out 4G services before the auction is completed, using its existing spectrum, it would have an unfair advantage.
Ofcoms claims it is yet to make a decision about Everything Everywhere’s plan. A statement from the regulator said, the application would be considered “independently of the auction for new spectrum” and a decision would be made “in due course.”
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