Cloud hailed as 'new industrial revolution'

Cloud hailed as 'new industrial revolution'
Cloud computing is the modern day equivalent to the industrial revolution and UK companies need to start adopting the technology before they get left behind, according to SaaS and cloud computing community EuroCloud.
The network, which links up technical companies and experts across around 20 European countries, is concerned that the UK and Europe are missing out on the cloud’s benefits.
Speaking at the Cloud Enterprise Forum in Monaco, EuroCloud board member Dr Tobias Höllwarth said: “It has never been a good strategy to run behind someone else in a race.
“Cloud is changing everything for every company, every person: the way we source and work is different and people don’t even know when they are using [the cloud] it’s that persistent.”
He likened the arrival of the technology to the industrial revolution and warned that IT people who were unable to adapt to the changes would find themselves out of a job. Companies providing cloud technology will also have to shake up their ideas to meet the needs of companies across the continent, he said.
Figures show that small and medium-sized companies are the dominant businesses in Europe; an estimated 92 per cent of all enterprises in Europe employ fewer than 10 staff and an overwhelming 99.2 per cent employ fewer than 200 people. SMEs require bespoke systems tailored to the way they work and unless cloud providers recognise that, they will lose out, Dr Höllwarth said.
He called the trend “SoSaaS” – or “Same old software as a service” – and said new businesses and those aiming to expand on a global basis would face failure unless they adapted themselves to what their customers need.
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