Businesses find middle ground between on-site and cloud computing

Businesses find middle ground between on-site and cloud computing
The hype surrounding cloud computing is slowly starting to level off as businesses find a practical middle ground between cloud and on-site services.
According to the Gartner Hype Cycle for Cloud Computing 2012 study, companies are now starting to look at specific strategies for the cloud and focusing on key areas of deployment – and having more success as a result. In the past businesses were somewhat overwhelmed by what to adopt over the cloud and what to keep in-house, but this appears to be settling down as a balance emerges.
The study noted that buyers are still confused about which platform to choose, however, but that they are no longer being brainwashed by the promises and hype that surrounded cloud computing initially. This suggests that businesses are knuckling down to what matters to them and ignoring superfluous services.
This does not mean that cloud growth is stagnating, quite the opposite. The research forecasts that the market will grow by 25 per cent year-on-year, with 40 per cent of customers doing BPM already using it in the cloud.
Other services have seen a slowdown in take-up, particularly email services over cloud which have proved especially popular and are now almost ubiquitous, leaving little room for growth. Indeed, previous reports had suggested a 20 per cent adoption rate, but the latest Hype Cycle suggested that adoption of email over the cloud is set to fall to ten per cent by 2014.
Gartner estimates that over half of all enterprises will have some kind of SaaS in place by the year 2015, with private cloud options predicted to be particularly popular. Around 75 per cent of respondents to Gartner's polls said that they plan to pursue strategies in the private cloud area by 2014.
The growth of cloud services and higher levels of 'big data' handling are making it increasingly important for businesses to take a closer look at their networks and check that they are able to handle the workload efficiently.
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