Cambridge businesses increase pressure for fast internet connections

Cambridge businesses increase pressure for fast internet connections
Businesses and residents of the Cambridge area have been signing a petition in their thousands to try to speed up broadband connections in the region.
The latest figures show that a remarkable 13,000 signatures have been collected on the petition demanding fast broadband connections for the majority of businesses and homes by 2015.
The campaign, known as ‘Connecting Cambridgeshire’, is working alongside the local council to try to up the pressure for better internet connectivity in the area. The campaign has three main goals: to encourage locals and businesses to register their demand for broadband, to highlight the plight at local meetings and events, and to promote the benefits of better connections for both homes and businesses.
There no doubt that a fast internet connection has become essential for most businesses these days. Without a good business network, firms are unable to make the most of new developments like video conferencing, remote working or even viewing large files online.
People from the area who would like to register their support for the campaign can do so here. Those who are not online can return a Freepost reply form, which are available from campaign events and local libraries.
The campaign has won the support of Cambridgeshire County Councillor, Ian Bates, who stated, “Thank you to everyone who has registered and helped the campaign get off to such a good start. The more people who do the more likely we are to achieve our aim.
“Some areas have some very active broadband champions doing sterling work to encourage people to show telecoms suppliers the level of demand for better broadband. But we need more people to volunteer, particularly in rural areas such as Fenland.”
Firms that are currently lacking a fast broadband connection can opt for a leased lines as an alternative. hSo provides managed networks designed for business purposes. To get an instant cost for a leased line at your location, visit our online leased line price checker.