UK high-speed broadband delayed

UK high-speed broadband delayed
The government looks set to miss one of its key targets for delivering superfast broadband this year, leaving some remote areas struggling with their connectivity.
Reports from the Financial Times reveal that the timetable for local authorities seeking to use the government procurement process for rural broadband project has been set back by three months at least.
This is despite the fact that the government has put the delivering of superfast broadband at the to of its digital agenda. The news could lead businesses in remote areas to consider looking into alternatives, such as leased lines and private networks.
A move towards alternative options could become increasingly necessary if state organisations fail to organise. For example, according to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) website, close to 30 of the 45 local authority and devolved areas covering the country are yet to begin procurement. Furthermore, those that are aware of the process believe that delays could be substantial as the tendering of contracts to private sector suppliers drags out.
A spokesman from the DCMS told the paper that the three-month delay is due to lengthy negotiations with the EU regarding the state aid that is subsidising the project.
Despite the growing level of concern around the project, the government continues to assert that 90 per cent of the UK will have access to superfast broadband by 2015.
Not all of the improvements are being conducted by the government and some private sector firms are working on bringing areas they deem to be commercially viable up to an equivalent standard. It is hoped that businesses and the government will be able to work together to make the dream of a digital Britain a reality, but there is a very real chance that additional services will be required to deliver a truly connected country.
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