Leased line investment benefits seaside conference centre

Leased line investment benefits seaside conference centre
A Brighton conference centre is being revamped in a bid to attract more business customers.
The Brighton Centre has invested £1 million in business-friendly features such as restaurants, revamped audtitoria, projectors and plasma screens. A 30Mbps leased line fibre internet connection has also been installed and will provide free Wi-Fi for delegates. The first phase of the £1 million refurbishment has recently been completed.
The centre’s business and communications manager Penny Parker, told Public Sector Travel, “Over recent years venues have found that exhibitions have gotten smaller and people have become more circumspect about where they exhibit and are concerned about getting the right balance in their spending.”
She added, “We have flexible space and are flexible in terms of pricing. As a local government-owned venue we know the impact a major event has on the local economy and will take account of that.”
The venue can accommodate up to 5,000 delegates and is divided up into a number of halls and meeting rooms, making it suitable for events and conferences of all sizes.
The conference centre has already been booked for the TUC conference and the Liberal Democrat conference this year and the Labour Party conference next year. Parker says this disproves the idea that people equate Brighton with a seaside holiday rather than business events.
Suzanne Kuyser, the events manager for the Trading Standards Institute, told Public Sector Travel that the centre’s seaside location makes it ideal for business events. She said, “We need a venue for 1,800 people and exhibition space and there are not all that many places that can take it.”
She added, "People like to be in a nice place and if you go out for dinner in the evening there is a good view and everything is close together.”
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